Batman Chronicles: The Gauntlet #1

DC ⋅ 1997

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Key Facts

48-page trade paperback

Synopsis: Dick Grayson must pass one final challenge to earn the Robin costume, elude Batman for an entire night within the confines of Gotham City

Original retail price: $4.95

Issue Details




Lee Weeks


January 1997


Dick Grayson has been training for a very long time, and Batman is giving him a final exam before he's allowed to go out on patrol as a crime-fighter. The challenge is that he will be given a six-hour headstart at dusk, and then Batman will hunt him down and try to find him within city limits... if he can make it until sunrise without being caught, he passes. Dick ventures out into Gotham City dressed as Robin for the first time, and quickly finds himself embroiled in a criminal plot that he must stop while evading his mentor and many gangsters all across the city. Batman catches up to him and is content to watch him from the shadows, and observe the way he handles taking down a syndicate of Gotham Organized Crime... surpassing expectations. Robin takes down a crimelord by recovering crucial evidence, and Batman tells him that he has passed, then goes to introduce him to Captain Gordon.

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